I have acpi installed on my old tosh (2.4.18 woody), and I use the command,
acpi to get info.
At least I though that is what I do.

Certainly I was able to extract battery % and temperature info.

I will check next time I use it.

9382 0051

> -----Original Message-----
> From: suresh kumar sharma [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Monday, 9 December 2002 11:35 AM
> To: debian-laptop@lists.debian.org
> Subject: making full use of acpi
> Hi,
> I have a debian kernel 2.4.19 system on my sony vaio
> laptop , and I am relatively new to this linux world
> and I just moved from APM to ACPI for power
> managment.I appliead the acpi patch .
> and am running acpid also .
> but the power management doesn't seem to be very
> efficient still (not that it was with APM).
> is there any analogues application like laptopdeamon
> for apm in acpi .
> or any other applications which can help improve the
> system performance and keep track of battery status
> and temperature etc.
> thanks in advance
> suresh
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