>>>>> "Jeremy" == Jeremy Petzold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Jeremy> well, officialy, ACPI does not exist in Linux, however, there is
Jeremy> a kernel patch for it and it will be in the 2.6 kernel due out
Jeremy> art the begining of next year. as far as the powerdown
Jeremy> functionality of the ACPI function, I do not know, I needed ACPI
Jeremy> to get sound and that is all I care about. I am sure it works
Jeremy> however.

There *is* ACPI support in the current stable kernels.  But the ACPI
subsystem is being rewritten in 2.5, so there is some incompatability.
(Not that there are many applications that support ACPI anyways.)  You
can fetch backports of the 2.5 version to 2.4 at

To the OP:
Right now, though, Linux ACPI support isn't as good as Windows, because
the ACPI standard is poorly documented and poorly implemented.  There is
also a strange thing that if the chipset doesn't implement certain
features (such as hibernation), it is up to the operating system to
implement it.

The best thing to do is to try it out for yourself.  (I haven't managed
to get ACPI to work on my laptop yet (ThinkPad R30), trying both the
standard 2.4 support, and the 2.5 backport.)  If it doesn't work, you
can try APM if your laptop supports it.  You might not get as much power
savings as you would with ACPI, but you'll probably be able to suspend,
at least.

Hubert Chan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://www.uhoreg.ca/
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