DBNO-DB NAME Birth Databases: 0010-Southern PA, 1680-1800 0015-US and Europe 900-1880 0020-British Isles, A-C #2 0025-British Isles, D-I #3 0030-British Isles, J-Q #4 0035-British Isles, R-Z #5 0040-North America, A-C #1 Cemetery Databases: 0100-Salt Lake City, 1848-1992 Census Databases: 0200-1850 Census Schedules 0205-1881 British Census, East Anglia Region #1 0210-1881 British Census, Greater London Region, London, Middlesex, A-L #1 0215-1881 British Census, Greater London Region, London, Middlesex, M-Z CD 2 0220-1881 British Census, Midlands Region, West Counties A-Z 0225-1881 British Census, North Central Region York A-L #3 0230-1881 British Census, North Central Region York M-Z 0235-1881 British Census, Northern Borders & Miscellary Region #1 0240-1881 British Census, Scotland Region, Highland Counties #1 0245-1881 British Census, Scotland Region, Lowland County #2 0250-1881 British Census, Southwestern Region, #1 0255-African Americans in the 1870 Census 0260-IA 1860 0265-UK 1851 Census Index Databases: 0300-1840 US Census Index: Mid-Atlantic 0305-1881 British Census, Index A-B #1 0310-1881 British Census, Index C-Em #2 0315-1881 British Census, Index En-Hn #3 0320-1881 British Census, Index Hi-L #4 0325-1881 British Census, Index M-O #5 0330-1881 British Census, Index P-R #6 0335-1881 British Census, Index S-T #7 0340-1881 British Census, Index U-Z #8 0345-Baltimore, Chicago & St.Louis, 1870 0350-Colonial 1607-1789 0355-CT,MA,ME,NH,RI & VT 1900 0360-DE,DC,MD,PA,OH,VA & WV 1900 0365-GA 1870 0370-ID 1910 0375-MA 1870 0380-NC,SC 1870 0385-NY City 1870 0390-OH 1880 0395-Ontario, CN 1871 0400-PA,DE,NJ 1850 0405-US Selected Counties 1790 0410-US Selected Counties 1800 0415-US Selected Counties 1810 0420-US Selected Counties 1820 0425-US Selected Counties 1830 0430-US Selected Counties 1840 0435-US Selected Counties 1850 0440-US Selected Counties 1860 0445-US Selected Counties 1870 0450-US Selected Counties 1880 0455-VA,WV 1870 0460-VA,WV,NC,KY 1870 0465-Western PA 1870 0470-Western PA 1870 Census Microfilm Databases: 0500-AL,AR,LA & MS 1850 #1 0505-AL,AR,LA & MS 1850 #2 0510-AL,AR,LA & MS 1850 #3 0515-AL,AR,LA & MS 1850 #4 0520-AL,AR,LA & MS 1850 #6 0525-CA,NM,OR,TX & UT 1850 #1 0530-CA,NM,OR,TX & UT 1850 #3 0535-CA,NM,OR,TX & UT 1850 #4 0540-CT & RI 1850 CD 1 0545-CT & RI 1850 CD 2 0550-CT & RI 1850 CD 3 0555-CT & RI 1850 CD 4 0560-IL 1850 #1 0565-IL 1850 #3 0570-IL 1850 #4 0575-IN 1850 #3 0580-IN 1850 #4 0585-IN 1850 #5 0590-MA 1850 #1 0595-MA 1850 #3 0600-MA 1850 #4 0605-MA 1850 #5 0610-MA 1850 #6 0615-ME,NH & VT 1850 #2 0620-ME,NH & VT 1850 #3 0625-ME,NH & VT 1850 #4 0630-ME,NH & VT 1850 #5 0635-NC 1850 #1 0640-NC 1850 #2 0645-NC 1850 #3 0650-NC 1850 #4 0655-PA 1850 #1 0660-PA 1850 #11 0665-PA 1850 #2 0670-PA 1850 #3 0675-PA 1850 #4 0680-PA 1850 #5 0685-PA 1850 #6 0690-PA 1850 #7 0695-PA 1850 #8 0700-TN 1850 #3 Church Databases: 0805-Adams, Berks & Lancaster Co., PA 1729-1881 0810-English Parish Records, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, Derbyshire 0815-English Parish Records, Yorkshire, Ainsty & City of York 0820-English Parish Records, Yorkshire, East Riding 0825-English Parish Records, Yorkshire, North Riding, Durham 0830-English Parish Records, Yorkshire, West Riding, Nottinghamshire 0835-MD & DE, 1600s-1800s 0840-PA German 1729-1870 0845-PA,Adams Co.,1745-1825 #3 0850-PA,Berks Co., 1752-1825 #4 0855-PA,Lancaster Co., 1729-1825 #11 0860-Selected Areas of PA 1600s-1800s 0865-Tithe Applotment Books: 1823-1838 Deaths Databases: 0905-AL 1908-1959 0910-Directory of Deceased American Physicians 1804-1929 0915-IA 1882-1920 0920-NY 1700s-1900s 0925-Social Security Death Index: A-L US 1937-1997 #1 0930-Social Security Death Index: M-Z US 1937-1997 #2 0935-US 1850-1880 Deeds Databases: 1000-Mayflower Vital Records: Deeds and Wills 1600-1900 Family Databases: 1055-217 Genealogy Books 1060-Ancestral File 1998 #1 1065-Ancestral File 1998 #2 1070-Ancestral File 1998 #3 1075-Ancestral File 1998 #4 1080-Ancestral File 1998 #5 1085-Ancestral File 1998 #6 1090-Ancestral File 1998 #7 1095-Ancestral File 1998 #8 1100-Ancestral File 1998 #9 1105-Colonial Families of Maryland 1600s-1900s 1110-Colonial Genealogies #1 1607-1920 1115-Connecticut #1 1120-CT 1600s-1800s #1 1125-CT 1600s-1800s #2 1130-Dutch in America 1800s 1135-Early AL,AR & MS Settlers 1700s-1800s 1140-Early GA Settlers 1700s-1800s 1145-Early KY Settlers 1700s-1800s 1150-Early LA Settlers 1600s-1800s 1155-Early NC Settlers 1700s-1900s 1160-Early NE Settlers 1600s-1800s 1165-Early SC Settlers 1600s-1800s 1170-Early Settlers of NY, 1760-1942 1175-Early TN Settlers 1700s-1900s 1180-Early TX Settlers 1700s-1800s 1185-Early WV Settlers 1600s-1900s 1190-English Origins of New England Families 1195-European Origins Vol.E1 1200-Family Pedigrees 1500-1990 1205-Family Pedigrees 1500-1990 1210-Family Queries 1640-1990 1215-Genealogical Research 1500-1989 1220-Generations Grande Suite v8.0 Vol.1 1225-Generations Grande Suite v8.0 Vol.13 1230-Generations Grande Suite v8.0 Vol.17 1235-Generations Grande Suite v8.0 Vol.18 1240-Generations Grande Suite v8.0 Vol.19 1245-Generations Grande Suite v8.0 Vol.2 1250-Generations Grande Suite v8.0 Vol.20 1255-Generations Grande Suite v8.0 Vol.21 1260-Generations Grande Suite v8.0 Vol.22 1265-Generations Grande Suite v8.0 Vol.23 1270-Generations Grande Suite v8.0 Vol.24 1275-Generations Grande Suite v8.0 Vol.25 1280-Generations Grande Suite v8.0 Vol.27 1285-Generations Grande Suite v8.0 Vol.28 1290-Generations Grande Suite v8.0 Vol.29 1295-Generations Grande Suite v8.0 Vol.3 1300-Generations Grande Suite v8.0 Vol.30 1305-Generations Grande Suite v8.0 Vol.31 1310-German & Swiss Settlers in America, 1700s-1800s 1315-German Genealogy Research Guide 1320-Histories & Genealogies of Southeast PA 1325-Huguenot Settlers in North America & Europe 1330-Immigrants to PA 1600s-1800s 1335-Immigrants to the New World 1600-1800 1340-Index to Upstate NY 1345-Ireland, 1831-1841 1350-Ireland: 1848-1864 1355-Irish Immigrants To North America, 1803-1871 1360-Irish to America 1846-1865 1365-Kentucky Genealogies #1 1370-L1 1375-Massachusetts & Maine Genealogies, 1650s-1930s 1380-Mayflower Families 1500-1800 1385-MD Settlers & Soldiers 1700s-1800s 1390-ME & NH Settlers 1600s-1900s 1395-Mid-Atlantic 1340-1940 1400-Midwest Pioneers 1600s-1800s 1405-Native American Collection 1410-NE 1600s-1900s 1415-New England 1600s-1800s #1 1420-New England 1600s-1800s #2 1425-New Netherland 1600s 1430-NY 1600s-1900s #1 1435-NY 1600s-1900s #2 1440-Ontario & Nova Scotia Settlers 1790-1860 1445-PA #1 1450-PA 1740-1900 Vol.1 1455-PA 1740-1900 Vol.2 1460-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.1 1465-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.10 1470-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.11 1475-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.12 1480-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.13 1485-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.14 1490-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.15 1495-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.16 1500-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.17 1505-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.18 1510-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.19 1515-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.2 1520-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.20 1525-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.21 1530-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.22 1535-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.23 1540-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.24 1545-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.25 1550-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.26 1555-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.27 1560-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.28 1565-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.29 1570-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.3 1575-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.30 1580-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.31 1585-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.32 1590-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.33 1595-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.34 1600-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.35 1605-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.36 1610-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.37 1615-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.38 1620-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.39 1625-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.4 1630-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.40 1635-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.41 1640-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.42 1645-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.43 1650-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.44 1655-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.45 1660-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.46 1665-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.47 1670-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.49 1675-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.5 1680-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.51 1685-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.52 1690-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.53 1695-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.54 1700-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.55 1705-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.56 1710-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.57 1715-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.58 1720-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.59 1725-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.6 1730-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.60 1735-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.62 1740-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.63 1745-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.66 1750-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.67 1755-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.68 1760-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.69 1765-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.7 1770-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.70 1775-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.8 1780-Pre-1600 to Present Vol.82 1785-Scotish - Irish Settlers in America 1500s-1800s 1790-Scottish Immigrants to North America, 1600s-1800s 1795-Southern Biographics & Genealogies 1500-1940 1800-Southern Genealogies #1 1600-1800 1805-Swift Family Ancestry-Vol.1 1810-The Complete Book of Immigrants 1607-1776 1815-The Complete Mayflower Decendants, #1 1820-The Complete Mayflower Decendants, #2 1825-The Encyclopedia of Quaker Genealogy, 1740-1930 1830-VA Genealogies & Biographics 1500-1900 #1 1835-VA Genealogies & Biographics 1500-1900 #2 1840-VA Genealogies Vol.4, 1600s-1800s #1 1845-VA Genealogies Vol.4, 1600s-1800s #2 1850-Virginia #1 1855-Virginia 1600s-1800s Vol.1 1860-Vol 1-1400s-Present #1 1865-Vol 1-1400s-Present #2 1870-Vol 1-1400s-Present #3 1875-Vol 2,3-1400s-Present #1 1880-Vol 2,3-1400s-Present #2 1885-Vol 2,3-1400s-Present #3 1890-Vol 2,3-1400s-Present #4 1895-Vol 4-1400s-Present #2 Land Databases: 1905-Bucks & Lancaster Counties, PA 1682-1825 1910-KY 1774-1924 1915-Land & Tax Records: OH 1787-1840 1920-PA,Berks Co., 1682-1800 #6 1925-PA,Lancaster Co., 1729-1825 #10 Marriages Databases: 1950-AL 1800-1900 1955-AL,GA,SC 1641-1944 1960-AR 1779-1992 1965-AR 1850-1900 1970-AR,CA,IA,LA,MN,MO,OR,TX 1728-1850 1975-AR,MO,MS,TX 1766-1981 1980-AZ,CA,ID,NV, 1850-1951 1985-AZ,CO,NE,NM & WA 1727-1900s 1990-British Isles, A-Z #1 1995-CT 1635-1860 2000-DC,DE,MD & VA 1740-1900 2005-GA 1850-1951 2010-GA 1851-1900 2015-IA, 1851-1900 2020-IL,IN, 1790-1850 2025-IL,IN,KY,OH,TN 1720-1926 2030-IN 1851-1900 2035-KY 1851-1900 2040-KY,NC,TN,VA,WV, 1728-1850 2045-LA 1718-1925 2050-Maine 1743-1891 2055-Maryland 1655-1850 2060-MD Marriages, 1634-1820 2065-MD,NC,VA 1624-1915 2070-ME 1633-1850 2075-MI,WI, 1830-1900 2080-MO 1851-1900 2085-MS,FL 2090-NC 1850-1900 2095-NJ 1680-1900 2100-North America, A-C #2 2105-North America, Co-G #3 2110-North America, L-O #5 2115-North America, P-Ss #6 2120-NY 1639-1916 2125-NY 1640-1880 2130-NY 1675-1920 2135-NY City 1600s-1800s 2140-OH 1789-1850 2145-OH 1851-1900 2150-TN 1851-1900 2155-TX 1850-1900 2160-US/INTL 1340-1980 2165-WV 1863-1900 Military Databases: 2205-Civil War Union Soldiers 2210-Confederate Pension Applications Index 2215-Confederate Soldiers 1861-1865 2220-Connecticut Officers & Soldiers 1700s-1800s 2225-Loyalists in the American Revolution 2230-NY Revolution and the War of 1812 2235-NY Revolutionary War 1775-1840 2240-Revolutionary War Graves Register 2000 Edition 2245-Revolutionary War Patriot Index 2250-Revolutionary War Pension Lists 2255-Revolutionary War Soldiers & Sailors #1 2260-Revolutionary War Soldiers & Sailors #2 2265-US Selected States 1890 2270-VA in the Revolutionary & War of 1812 Other Databases: 2305-15th Edition 2310-1910 Miracode Index: PA, Central Region 2315-1910 Miracode Index: PA, Philadelphia County 2320-1910 Miracode Index: PA, Western Region 2325-American Source Records in England 1600s-1800s 2330-Ancestry Magazine: 1994-1999 2335-Australian Vital Records Index: 1788-1905 #1 2340-Australian Vital Records Index: 1788-1905 #2 2345-Australian Vital Records Index: 1788-1905 #3 2350-Australian Vital Records Index: 1788-1905 #4 2355-British & American Coats of Arms 2360-City Directories: Northern Midwest 1884-1898 2365-Colonial VA Source Records 1600s-1700s 2370-Genealogical Dictionary of New England 1600s-1700s 2375-GIS,Electronic Messages Vol.1 2380-International Genealogical Index: 1997 Addendum #10 2385-International Genealogical Index: 1997 Addendum #7 2390-International Genealogical Index: 1997 Addendum #8 2395-International Genealogical Index: 1997 Addendum #9 2400-Irish Flax Growers List, 1796 2405-Irish Source Records: 1500s-1800s 2410-Lewis's Gazetteers of England, Ireland & Scotland 2415-Lineages of Hereditary Society Members 1600s-1900s 2420-MA 1600s-1800s 2425-MA Vital, Probate & Town Records 1600s-1900s 2430-Mormon Immigration, Passenger Lists & Personal Accounts 2435-National Genealogical Society Quarterly Vol.1-85 1600-1900 #1 2440-National Genealogical Society Quarterly Vol.1-85 1600-1900 #2 2445-Naturalization Records: PA 1789-1880 2450-NJ Source Records 1600s-1800s 2455-PA Colonial Records 1600s-1800s 2460-PA Genealogical Magazine #1 2465-PA Genealogical Magazine #2 2470-The Compendium of American Genealogy #1 2475-The Compendium of American Genealogy #2 2480-The NJ Biographical Index 1800s 2485-The Ontario Register, 1780-1870 2490-US/Canada Surname folder Index 2495-VA Historical Index 2500-VA Land,Marriage & Probate Records 1639-1850 2505-Vital Records: RI 1500s-1900s Passenger Databases: 2550-1500s-1900s 2555-1538-1940 2560-Atlantic, Great Lake & Gulf Ports #1 2565-Atlantic, Great Lake & Gulf Ports #2 2570-Atlantic, Great Lake & Gulf Ports #3 2575-Atlantic, Great Lake & Gulf Ports #7B 2580-Atlantic, Great Lake & Gulf Ports #9 2585-Baltimore 1820-1850 Vol.1 2590-Baltimore 1851-1872 Vol.2 2595-Baltimore City, 1833-1866 #1 2600-Baltimore City, 1833-1866 #3 2605-Baltimore City, 1833-1866 #4 2610-Baltimore City, 1833-1866 #5 2615-Baltimore City, 1833-1866 #6 2620-Germans to America 1850-1874 2625-Germans to America 1875-1888 2630-Irish to America, Vol.2 1846-1886 2635-Italians to America 2640-New Orleans, LA 1820-1850 2645-Passenger & Immigration to North America 1820-1850 Queries Databases: 2650-Notes & Queries of PA. 1700s-1800s Wills Databases: 2675-NC 1665-1900 2680-PA 1682-1834 2685-PA,Berks Co., 1752-1825 #5 2690-PA,Cumberland Co., 1750-1825 #8 2695-PA,Lancaster Co., 1729-1825 #9