Hi Karsten,
I was just weeding through my email and found that you
were having some difficulty with X on an IBM Thinkpad 560
(model X) I believe.
Do you still need help? I've got a 560E up/running, 800x600
with 16 bit depth. No problems whatsoever, but I believe I
had to tweek the xf86config significantly, using my old one
as a guide.
I'm running whatever XFree comes with Redhat 7.1, if that is
what you are trying to run. I believe I can rid you of your
graphical artifacts on the screen issue as well.
Anyway, let me/us know if you still need help. I will be using
the laptop later, and will not what chipset it (560E) has, and
will grab my xconfig. Also, a while back (About 2 years)
I helped a guy from Japan get his system stable also, you may
want to search the archives, I know "560" would be in the subject.
Although the config file posted was for an earlier version of XFree,
the modeline with the "JM" comment, was the only one I ever got
rock-solid graphics with.
Let me know, if you're not set already,
John Miskinis
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