> Thanks, Martin, for your information, by the way, would you tell me
> which audio chipset you have ?

  Intel Corp. 82801CA/CAM AC'97 Audio

But I think what makes the audio on this machine is the good set of
speakers. The chipset is fair. I am not really the one to ask on this
kind of stuff.

> So if not Dell do you know about any other alternative machine with
> good audio and video which might work really good with Debian ? (I
> use sid at home and woody at work, so any for me would be ok either)

I don't know. I usually suggest IBM laptops but have no idea about
their audio. It's usually not a buying argument for me.

> About your video performance with Radeon: have you managed to have
> acceleration? I know (just by reading and informing myself) that it
> works trhough DRI.

I am absolutely non-knowledgeable in this field. DRI is set up, I use
the native X radeon.o driver, but playing back MPEG, watching DVDs, or
just displaying xscreensaver all happens at rates lower than 25fps.

 .''`.     martin f. krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :    proud Debian developer, admin, and user
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing a system
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