ben park <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 28/11/2002 (10:53) :
> Hi, 
> I am new to debian.
> During the installation, I was asked to make a startup
> floppy, but my laptop (a Dell CPX H500) cannot have cd
> and floppy the same time.

No problem do mkboot later.
> I cannot put LINO into the master boot sector either,
> because my linux partition is in the last part of the
> disk (first 6GB for windows, last 6GB for linux).

So? There is no problem with this. Put Lilo on you linux partition and
include windows in lilo. The linux partition should be bootable so that
you first get lilo and then you choose OS to boot.

Preben Randhol ------------------------ --
                          «1984 is soon coming to a computer near you.»

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