* Michelle Konzack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002 Nov 28 06:01 -0600]:
> Hello all, 
> Does anyone have a 'IBM ThinkPad 760' with X running ? 
> I have the possibility to get one and I have tried the 
> tips on <http://www.linux-laptop.net/>, but it does not 
> work for me... :-/

Which model?  I have experience with both the 760Ed and 760EL.  With the
'EL I had access to I could never use anything over 8 bpp so the color
display is poor.  Trying 16 bpp results in a nasty grey hash along the
bottom 2 to 3 cm along the bottom of the LCD screen.  This was with two
different 'EL machines.  The screen resolution on the 'EL is 800x600.

On the 'ED I have had no problems running X at 16 bpp @ 1024x768.

Any other model I've not tried.

- Nate >>

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