On 26-11-2002, at 10h 27'59", Paulo Lopes wrote to debian-laptop about "dhcp 
setup on debian woody"
> hi,
> i want to connect my laptop to a dhcp network and i've been using it 
> with static IP. I've been reading the /etc/network/interfaces file and 
> don't know exactly what to do for dhcp. Nevertheless i've been trying to 
> make it work and in the howto's i've read it says that i need to install 
> "dhcpcd", i do apt-get install dhcpcd and i get a reply that that 
> package does not exist (at least on my distro woody/stable).
> Can someone tell me how to configure it?

Try "apt-get install pump" or "apt-get install dhcp-client", 
"apt-get install dhcpcd" should work as well. How did you installed
you debian? From CD's? From the net? In the worse of cases go to
www.debian.org -> Debian Packages and search for it, then after
you downloaded you can install it with dpkg:

dpkg -i dhcpcd*.deb

> i've a ip static network on eth1 (pcmcia and working) and need a dhcp on 
> eth0 (internat ethernet adapter) all the modules work and were built for 
> the 2.4.18 kernel. All i need it dhcpcd or something else that can do 
> the same, and a sample /etc/network/interfaces, of course if there's 
> anything else you can let me know :-)

In /etc/network/interfaces for a static setup you need:
 iface eth0 inet static
 address xx.xx.xx.xx
 netmask yy.yy.yy.yy
 gateway zz.zz.zz.zz
 auto eth0

For a dynamic setup with dhcp you need:
 iface eth0 inet dhcp
 auto eth0

Good luck,

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