HowTo get it done: Read PCMCIA and MODEM HowTo :-)!

System: minimal installation from (Thanks Edi!)

First I set up (only installed) the pcmcia-modules and pcmcia-cs stuff. Than after reboot the card would recognized (but unidentified) and I got the Card-information with `cardctl config' and `cardctl ident'. Now one have to `bind' the card with the `serial_cs'-modul in `/etc/pcmcia/config'. Next was setting up the link `/dev/modem' to `/dev/ttyS2' which ist the modem on my computer. With `pppconfig' I could create the necessary file -> `/etc/ppp/peers/prov' and `/etc/ppp/pap-secrets' for dailup with login-name (One have to set it in quotes: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' because of punctation and @-sign.) password and phonenumber (one will get it after sign-up, because it is no normal phonenumber (called PHS) -> looks like a hen-egg-problem!). And last but not least `pon prov' and the thing was running. Nearly out of the box. That was surprising: before I tried with redhat, minicom and wvdial for more than a week and had no chance. Seems to be there is only one way? The Debian Way, hm? ;-)

The function is AFAIK the same like an analog (PCMCIA-)modem. It has nothing to do with wireless stuff, so sorry I can't help in this case.

Greetings from Japan, Andreas

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