On Wed, Nov 13, 2002 at 04:16:20PM -0500, Seneca wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 13, 2002 at 11:54:27AM -0600, suleyman wrote:
> > Any direction would be appreciated.
> > I did an apt-get update, then upgrade,something to do with console and
> > keymap was upgraded. I wasnt able to pick a keymap and now wont reboot
> > until I figure out how to go back and configure keymap to load proper
> > keymap.
> Try "install-keymap $MAP" where $MAP is the name of the desired keymap
> to change the boottime keymap. Use loadkeys to change the current keymap
> (does not change boottime keymap).

Yes... and if the current keymap has your keys all in strange places, at
least tab is usually in the same place, and you can abuse tab-completion
at the commandline a bit ...

All the best

* Heather Stern * star@ many places...
                * Starshine Technical Services -*- 800 938 4078

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