On Wednesday, 13. November 2002 18:15, Lukas Ruf wrote:
> On Wed, 13 Nov 2002, I?aki Mart?nez wrote:
> >  I want to buy a laptop and i do not know which......
> >
> >  What i want to do (with Debian):
> the easiest way: take a recent Debian CD with you.  Go into a shop and
> ask the seller to have the Debian installed.  Nowadays with the
> current economic situation this works sometimes -- depending on the
> shop.
> wbr,
> Lukas

Salve Lukas,

Why installation?

If you want to check an laptop from a friend or seller,
the Live Linux: Knoppix  (based on Debian) have an great hardwarereconition,
it boots in 3 minutes on most PC from one CD without touching the hd.
In spain:

Gruesse aus Aachen,

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