On Wed, Nov 13, 2002 at 02:35:27PM +0100, Preben Randhol wrote: > I?aki Mart?nez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 13/11/2002 (14:16) : > > * Linux well supported, PCMCIA, NET, so on. > > Stay clear of Dell.
I'd like to note that Dell buys their laptops from a few suppliers; some of these machines are obviously better than others. But since those suppliers also sell elsewhere... you may be able to get these systems as preloads from a smaller VAR. > Somebody told me that Acer had good custom support. > You can check if there are some models there. No knowledge either direction on that one. However I'd like to add that while Toshiba doesn't appear to be too helpful on its own, I know a handful of happily devoted Libretto users running Debian. All the ones that asked me directly for help, we ended up needing to take the drive out and temporarily mount it in a desktop to get it settled in, and on one we needed a reboot from a tomsrtbt floppy when it was libretto-installed to get LILO settled happily, but Debian runs great. At this point you cannot pry it from their libretto without incurring personal injury, or using knockout drops on them ;P Then I recalled why I forgot to mention 'em. You haven't mentioned what size your hands are. This can make a big difference, much more than many new laptop users realize. It's even worse than eyestrain from odd case angles, to find that after a few hours every day you have hand cramps. (I don't suffer this problem myself - I have small hands. But it's worth noting.) * Heather Stern * star@ many places... * Starshine Technical Services -*- 800 938 4078