>I plan to buy soon a laptop and install on it debian. I hesitate between a 
>toshiba and a dell inspiron 8200. According to you, what is the best for 
>running easy Debian?

I've got a dell inspiron 8200 running debian sid.  I like the
ultrasharp uxga (1600x1200) display.

The nvidia geforce2 go (cheapest video) didn't work with the woody
version of the nv driver, but does work with the sid one.  (One time I
had a problem, but exiting and restarting x fixed it.)  I've only had
the system a week.

I've found but not tested a linmodem driver for the modem.  Sound and
network work fine.  Untested are usb, firewire, and pcmcia.

When buying direct from dell, watch their prices.  They want $400 more
now for the system I have than I payed three weeks ago.  (The display
option caused a shipping delay.)
Blars Blarson                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Text is a way we cheat time." -- Patrick Nielsen Hayden

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