Drew Cohan, 2002-Oct-23 10:14 -0400:
>    1. Do I have to install X see images?
>    2. Will I have to install a window manager on top of X to see images? (or
>    just use xdm, maybe answered my own question)

Perhaps a framebuffer xserver?  Not the the whole system.

>    3. Is there an alternative to using the full X package that makes sense
>    for my machine? I've seen some stuff about Nano-X, Tiny-X (purportedly
>    included in XFree86 now anyway). These packages don't seem to be in debian
>    stable via apt-get. Basically, I'd need gcc to compile XFree86 on this
>    machine and I'm not sure I could get it on there without exhausting my hdd
>    space first (don't know, haven't tried). Most frustrating part is that I
>    can't seem to find any information on how to use/install/make work
>    nano/tiny X.

I suggest using a framebuffer console, no X, and using fbi to view
images on the console.  I don't know if your laptop's video supports
framebuffer, likeyly vgafb16 or maybe vesa, I don't know.

>    4. I've seen some things on SVGA lib, but no details. Is that something
>    that can help me here? What is it, how to use it/install it?
>    5. Am I going to just have to develop all this stuff on another machine
>    and port the results over to this humble laptop?

Just a few thoughts...jc

Jeff Coppock            Systems Engineer
Diggin' Debian          Admin and User

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