>>>>> "mw" == mw  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

mw> Hello List.  I am trying to buy a used laptop on ebay next time, but
mw> there's one question i'm quite unsure yet.  I would like to install
mw> both linux (debian ) and windows ( probably 2000 ) because i want to
mw> use it for networking exercises with my good old desktop box here.
mw> I wonder how much disk space i will need. I heard to give win2000
mw> about 10 GB at least, But I would not need win word or excell or
mw> such stuff.

FWIW, I have WinXP on a <4GB partition.  No MS Office, but I do have
OpenOffice.  I don't really use it much, so there are hardly any other
programs (the only other things would be Mozilla, Putty, and maybe some
other small things like GSView and acroread).

Hubert Chan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://www.uhoreg.ca/
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