I'm using version 0.5 and it works, i looked at the code and at every execution 
the directory /proc/acpi is scanned to find out relevant info.

my suggestion was meant just to look at the code and maybe rework it a bit to 
read /proc/acpi only at startup and develop a user interface around it.


On Wed, 25 Sep 2002 07:28:16 -0700
"Carl B. Constantine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> * Mattia Dongili ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > Hi,
> > take a look at the acpi command line utility 
> > (http://grahame.azale.net/acpi.shtml) it does exactely what you're looking 
> > for, except it misses a UI.
> > 
> I've been using it since the bm doesn't work. but maybe someone could
> use his code and write the BM around it?
> -- 
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