On Mon, 23 Sep 2002, Yves Rutschle wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 20, 2002 at 08:24:54PM -0700, Petro wrote:
> [Swap]
>>     Actually, as cheap as disk is these days, I'd leave it alone for
>>     the following reasons:
>>     (1) It's cheap insurance against a runaway process. 
> How so? If your process is running away, it'll fill your
> swap, be it 16Mb or 1024Gb... You'd actually be better off
> with a smaller swap so the process gets killed earlier on...
> or am I missing something?

If I hit the wrong site, Mozilla walks through every TTF on my system
and use around 700MB of memory, plus pushing X to use another 100MB or

For me, 1GB of swap is actually worth it because it saved me the first
time this happened... Not everything keeps growing without bounds.


Want to break the shell and cut the puppet strings
with our primal screams that echoes back inside.
Want to pierce the noise and make our voices heard
to the distant shapes that wanders who we are.
        -- Covenant, _Wall Of Sound_

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