>>>>> "gustavo" == gustavo  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

gustavo>   Hello I have IBM thinkpad r30, the trackpoint work with a
gustavo> missplace 1cm left.  I'm usin now mandrake 8.2, I tryed to
gustavo> Redat 7.2. Do you now about this problem.  Is fixed in the
gustavo> Linux Debian Version ??

I have an R30.  I've never encountered this problem (I've had other
problems with the mouse, though), but apparently, turning on the
software cursor fixes it.  Edit your /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 (might be
named slightly differently under Mandrake), look for the Device section
for the video card, ad add this line:

        Option          "SWCursor" "on"

BTW, I have put up a page outlining my experiences getting Linux working
on my R30.  You can find a link from my home page (see my sig below).
That page also includes a link to the Linux Laptops page, which you may
find useful.

Hubert Chan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://www.uhoreg.ca/
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