On Thursday 29 August 2002 10:37, Juraj Ziegler wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 28, 2002 at 10:21:56AM +0300, Amir Tal wrote:
> > hi all,
> >
> > i recently installed sid on my tecra 8000 laptop, and everything is
> > working great ;) except for a wierd problem.
> > when ever i am connected to the internet (cables) everything works very
> > smooth. if i am trying to work offline, the system responds very slowly.
> > starting X takes 2-3 (!) minutes, applications inside x (kde) takes
> > forever to load, and the general behavior of the system is very slow.
> >
> > what can be the cause of that ?
> > thanks,
> it seems like you have your /etc/resolv.conf pointed to DNS servers,
> that are only available when you are online. when you're offline, all
> DNS requests time-out, but that takes some time. OTOH, i can't imagine
> right now, why that would affect X or KDE. it sure affect network
> applications (browser, telnet, mail, etc). it might be, your computer
> can't resolve its own name/ip pair, when you're offline.
> one way to resolve this issue would be to change your /etc/resolv.conf
> everytime you up/down your network interface, or change /etc/host.conf
> resolving order to hosts,bind and put your computer's name and ip
> address into /etc/hosts.
> hope this helps,

well, it DOES help (thanks) but seems like kinda stupid.
why in the world should KDE care about DNS resolutions ? it affect 
applications that has nothing to do with communicating to the outside world 
(koofice, konsole)
it makes sense about konqueror, kmail and friends, but not to the other.
funny that no log shows anything related to this problem.


> [e]

Amir Tal
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