On Fri, 16 Aug 2002 00:05, Jeff wrote:
> > > I have a similar problem, I put the following in a script in
> > > /etc/rc.boot:
> > >
> > > for n in /dev/vc/* ; do
> > >   echo "" > $n
> > > done
> > > fbset -a 800x600-75
> > >
> > > If there's a better solution I'd like to know it.
> I've been playing around with this script, and I don't understand how
> this effects each of the tty screens.  I've tried using "fbset -fb
> /dev/..." to see if/how that works, but I don't have a /dev/vc/
> directory and if I use /dev/fb0-6 I get "No such device", and if I use
> /dev/tty0-6 I get "Invalid argument"

Those are devfs device names.  Use /dev/tty[1-9]* instead for non-devfs.

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