* Juan Manuel Garc?a Molina ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Hi.
> I'm planning to buy a Compaq Presario 725 (in Spain), and, of course, I'd 
> like 
> to install Debian on it.
> Does any of you own such a machine?

I have a 720CA. I'm running RH7.3 on it at present. I first tried Gentoo
on it but had problems with Gnome2 so I switched to RedHat since it's
part of a contract and that's what they are standarzing on.

> Do I need to know any info regarding this model?

there are some good links about the Presario 700 series on the Linux on
Laptops site: http://www.linux-on-laptops.com/compaq.html

Some of the links have Debian installs.

> Thank you so much for your responses.


    __   _                                           Carl B. Constantine
   / /  (_)__  __ ____  __                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  / /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /  (2.4.18)              http://www.duckwing.ca 
 /____/_/_//_/\_ _/ /_/\_\  Debian 3.0
                                            PGP key available on request

   "Microsoft is not the Borg. The Borg have better tech support."

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