Ugh... I think I've done everything I'm supposed to do in setting up the GeForce2 Go in my new Dell i8200, but I have one problem: the only mode that really works is 1600x1400. That is way too big! In my XF86Config-4 file I do have different modes like 1400x1050 and 1024x768, but when I use them, the colors are all slurred (forgive me for the term, I'm not that familiar with graphics parlance). The 'slurring' effect is fixed if I use the Fn-Font keys -- but this essentially makes my smaller resolution even smaller (there is a black border around my viewable area).
Has anyone else run into this? If so, can I fix it? Can I get 1024x768 in the whole viewable area without 'slurred' colors? *** Please CC on any response, as I am not subscribed. Thanks Joseph Schlecht