The reason I asked this is because I am currently writing a hardware 
configuration tool and whenever there are more than one possibilities to 
install a driver I want to stick with the debian-way of course. That way 
chances are high that my tool will see manually installed devices too.

I will implement usb installation as I figured it out and you confirmed it. 


On Monday 08 July 2002 13:44, you wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 08, 2002 at 01:29:51PM +0100, Boris Duerner wrote:
> > Hi,
> > What is the preferred way of setting up usb in Debian? I suppose you have
> > to install the usbmgr, and then specify the host adapter in
> > /etc/usbmgr/usbmgr.conf like this(if you have an uhci one):
> >
> > host usb-uhci
> >
> > and let the manager do the rest. Is that correct?
>  It works for me, give it a try. The other deb you could use is hotplug,
> but I don't use it, so I can't comment on it.
> > How do I get the information to add a deviceline such as this?:
> >
> > # Perfection 636U , 636Photo [Epson]
> > vendor 0x04b8 product 0x0101 module scanner
> >
> > How can I find out which vendor id and product id my device has?
>  tail -f /var/log/syslog
> and plug the device in. You should see some lines from the usbmgr.
> Or use usbview.
> Greetings
>  KH

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