Hi there, 

Strictly speaking my question is not a specific debian question, but
since I am running debian I hope you don't feel too annoyed by this

I have a Toshiba Satellite 1800-314 with woody installed (kernel
2.4.17). Everything works fine except for the modem. After checking in
linmodems.org my impression is that there is no hope to get it working
properly under linux. Since I also need an ethernet connection to use
the laptop at work, the best solution is probably to buy a
ethernet/Modem combo card. So my questions are:

1) Does the fact that both devices are in the same card affects in any
way the ease of installation under woody or is it advisable to get
separate cards for the two functions?

2) Assuming the combo card is ok, I checked prices and specs of
several cards and I found two which are reasonably priced and may
work under linux. One is the Linksys EtherFast® 10/100 + 56K Modem PC
Card PCMLM56 and the other the D-link DMF-560TX (there is also a no
dongle version, DMF-560TXD) Both are listed in the PCMCIA list of
supported devices (David Hinds) but in the mobilix.org list only the
D-link is listed and its not clear if the modem works, although the
no dongle version is listed as working. I checked the
manufacturer's pages and for the Linksys they say there are drivers
for the ethernet card but no mention is made about the modem, which I 
find a bit suspicious. They also say the modem uses a Lucent
chipset. So my question is, is there anyone in the list with any  
experience with any of theses cards? If not, are there any cards you
can suggeste that will work with woody?

Thanks in advance for any guidance you can provide on this. 


                  Astrophysics Group
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