On Fri, 31 May 2002 11:24:50 +0200
"R.Stepanyan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Problems start when I try to dial a number. I use minicom for this (not
> trying to configure PPP, just to dial ANYTHING!). So, the modem replies
> to AT commands (at least minicom shows "OK" when I type AT<Enter> in the
> term window), but 
> 1. In the status line of the minicom I see "OFFLINE"
> 2. I cannot dial any number
> The problem is also  that I do not here any tone (phone-tone, I mean) -
> but this seems to be "a feature" - I do not here it under Windows
> either, although modem works and dials without any troubles.

Try to play with AT X command. Might help.
Did you try to dial a number as root?
And there might be problem with minicom itself.
What exact error messages do you read at the minicom terminal?

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