>>>>> "Mark" == Mark Lucas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


Mark> 1.  Windows being opened up that are bigger than the screen area
Mark> meaning I often can't get to the 'OK' or 'Cancel' buttons. I want
Mark> to tell all the apps that the creen only supports 640x480 so that
Mark> it can work properly.

You may want to look at virtual screens.  You can generally make the
virtual screen have a higher resolution than the actual screen, and you
pan around by moving the mouse.  In the XF86Config file, in the
appropriate Display subsection, add a line that says, for example
   Virtual 800 600
to get a 800x600 virtual screen.  This only works if your video card has
enough memory, though.

Mark> 2.  Icons, menus etc. are all too big leaving me with very little
Mark> workable area.

For menus, you may be able to use a smaller font.  How to set it up
depends on the app.  You also want to make sure that you're running at
75dpi.  Run xdpyinfo, and look for the line that says "resolution:" and
make sure that it says 75x75 dots per inch.  If not, you'll have to edit
some configuration files, depending on how X gets launched.

Mark> 2.  Is Sawmill/Gnome the best GUI? I think KDE would be too slow

If you don't need the Gnome fluff, you can just run a window manager.
Blackbox is good for low resource consumption.  Windowmaker is
supposedly pretty good too, but the window decorations are probably too
big for you.

Mark> 3.  Is there any good office software that would run OK? I wanted
Mark> to use OpenOffice but that seems to need a minimum of 800x600
Mark> resolution. Abiword seems to run but there is very little screen
Mark> are left with all the menus, toolbars and status panels.

In Abiword, you should be able to hide the toolbars, et al.  Look under
the View menu.  You could also try LyX, although it's not really a word
processor (and uses a nonfree library).

Hubert Chan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://www.uhoreg.ca/
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