На 11 май 2002 г. (събота), в 2.21 Cassandra Lynette Ludwig писа:

> I don't know if anyone else is having this same issue, but I am having a 
> problem with Mozilla 0.9.9 in that it does not seem to accept the Java 
> plugin.
> This is a touch annoying as everything I have read documentation-wise says 
> that it should be working fine.... I installed it off the web-page, which 
> said it installed fine - restart the browser - nothing.  I installed 
> manually, and restarted the browser - again nothing.  Even the "plug-ins" 
> page doesn't show the java plugin.

I have Sun's JRE 1.3.1 installed in /usr/local/jre and a symlink from 
/usr/local/jre/plugin/i386/ns600/libjavaplugin_oji.so to
/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ (standard place where system-wide mozilla
plugins live, if mozilla is installed from a standard deb package)

When you install Java make sure it actually starts (by running
/usr/local/jre/bin/java) as this might be the problem in your case.


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