(This was originally screwed up due to forgetting the s in lists so it's a repaste and post)
<This is in regards to Mr. Coker's Dell comments> Actually I don't know what you guys are talking about. I am fiercely loyal to Dell as a customer simply beause I got EXCELLENT technical support from them with CPx laptops, PowerEdge and PowerApp servers, and every single (yes, EVERY single) one of those machines (over 1500 total) have all run linux including the laptops. It didn't violate the warrenty, and they actively pursued finding a technician to solve my problems. That is why I ONLY buy Dell for commercial accounts and Dells for home when I can afford it. Someone needs to stop spreading FUD that they have bad support or that they don't support Linux, cause that's total bullshit. -- David D.W. Downey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Upstream - libpam-pgsql.codecastle.com Debian - Woody: 0.5.2-2 Sid: 0.5.2-3 State - bugs.debian.org/libpam-pgsql
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