On Tue, Apr 09, 2002 at 10:13:10AM +0100, Nick wrote:
> I have Woody installed on my Toshiba Libretto 70CT notebook. I have 
> successfully setup the display and mouse works fine now, no problems there.
> My current issue is this notebook does not use any scsi devices and some how 
> I have installed support for IBM scsi KD-7000 whatever that is, anyway it 
> fails to locate this piece of hardware and I think if I removed this it would 
> speed up the startup. When I startX I get a message in XConsole which 
> describes the failed search for IBM KD-7000 scsi device. How can I remove 
> this?

Probobly you need to change kernel. I belive there is a purePCI based kernel 
without any scsi support.. that should work fine. or you could always compile 
your own, but not really simple.

> I am also concerned that when using dselect if left for a minute or two with 
> no activity it then automatically boots into X-Windows with a login box which 
> I do not normally get, and then each time I try to logout it starts X again 
> and I can only get out by resetting the computer. Is this related to the 
> above problem?
Well, you seem to be running xdm which does that you describe, I assume you 
want to access your console? which you can to from X-Window by pressing 
ctrl+shift F1-F6 which should be the terminals on your console.

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