
I am a first-time installer of a PCMCIA card on the laptop, 
and I find this very confusing. Since I am not sure what is 
important about this problem and what isn't, I will just tell 
you what I know. Sorry if this is long-winded.

I have a used ThinkPad 770 on which I have Debian Potato, 
running a 2.2.17 stock kernel. The version of the PCMCIA-cs 
that I am using is 3.1.x from the potato distribution CD, and 
the documentation with this card says that the minimum version 
should be 2.9.2.  The PCMCIA card I have is a Linksys 
EtherFast 10/100 model PCMPC100, which is listed in the 
recommended hardware for pcmcia-cs. The error from my system 
log says "Unable to read hardware net address" with no further 
detail. This error is not accounted for in the PCMCIA-HOWTO.

The driver loads with a high tone, then a low tone. I am aware 
that this is supposed to be bad news.

>From the original configuration, several laptop drivers 
install to memory: i82365, pcmcia_core, 8390, pcnet_cs, and 
ds, (which now that I look at it appears to be more drivers 
than I expected - these are listed by lsmod).

Upon loading, the stab file is created in /var/lib/pcmcia/ (I 
had to create the directory myself, not mentioned in the docs) 
and is deleted after the card is removed. When the file 
exists, it says:

    Socket 0: NE2000 Compatible Ethernet
    Socket 1: empty

The example given in the PCMCIA-HOWTO shows a stab with much 
more information than this. Also, I am not altogether sure if 
my card is indeed NE2000 Compatible. "cardctl ident" (below) 
gives the correct information.

/etc/pcmcia/config.opts had the line:
     include port 0x100-0x4ff, port 0x1000-0x17ff
This generated errors in the system log: During the memory 
scan, four regions of memory were excluded within the range of 
0x100-0x4ff. So, I got rid of that region and left it as:
     include port 0x1000-0x17ff
without any complaints from the kernel or software after 
restarting the /etc/init.d/pcmcia script. Nevertheless, that 
did not change the error "Unable to read hardware net 
address", which persisted, but at least it got rid of the 
exclusions. These exclusions were (if this means anyting to 
anybody): 0x15e8-0x15ef, 0x200-0x207, 0x200-0x22f, and 0x388-

In the Debian way of doing things, I cannot find any place 
where the PCMCIA, PCIC, and PCIC_OPTS variables are set, as 
recommended in the PCMCIA-HOWTO. Setting PCIC (a "mandatory" 
setting, according to the HOWTO) in /etc/pcmcia/config.opts 
has no effect on the error "Unable to read hardware net 

For further information:
"cardctl status" gives:
  Socket 0:
    5V 16-bit PC Card
    function 0: [ready], [wp]

"cardctl config" gives:
  Socket 0:
    Vcc 5.0V  Vpp1 0.0V  Vpp2 0.0V

"cardctl ident" gives:
  Socket 0:
    product info: "Linksys", "EtherFast 10/100 PC Card 
(PCMPC100 V3)", "V2.0", " "
    manfid: 0x0149, 0xc1ab
    function: 6 (network)

Any help is appreciated.

Paul King
Paul King              http://www3.sympatico.ca/pking123/
(905) 842-7451                      (416) 428-7451 (cell)

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