The debian way, and it is quite simple. Install the kernel-package package. This will give you a comnmand called make-kpkg.

Untar a normal kernel ( or whatever), run make menuconfig as normal, then when done you can use make-kpkg -kernel_image to build the .deb. Then dpkg -i the resulting package (in the parent directory of your linux kernel source, usually /usr/src).

There are other options and such, but for a single machine there isn't much to worry about (unless you want to build 3rd party modules).


Dutch wrote:

Generally, do you recommend comiling a kernel my hand, the "normal way",
or the debian way? (Ive done it a 100 times the "normal way" but under
slackware & rat hed 7.2 - never under debian).

If the debian way, where would I find a "debian-ized" kernel to download,
and where could I find a clearly written, step by step procedure?


/* Dutch
Running Linux */

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