2 problems here.

1. I have a dell inspiron 4100.  It has the ATI Radeon card in it and I
   really want to install debian on itAND have X up and running.

So far, the only distro that worked at all, and "worked out of the
box" too, was Red Hat 7.2. But I dont want red hat right now.

When running xf86config, eventually you come to a list of supported video
cards. During Red Hat, there was ATI Radeon.  Since then I even tried
Slackware, AND grabbed the latest kernel and XFREE files from xfree86.org
To my surprise, ATI Radeon was not listed. Where doe the list come from?

-Kernel Choices?
-XFreesetup/version (I had the latest and it is supposed to be supported)
-some file I need to edit/modity before runniong xf86config?

I know - its a newbieuish question, I have tried looking it up but Im
getting lost.

2. I really want woody on my laptop. I got the netinstall CD and it seemed
to work ok. I also have window xp on /dev/hda1, LINUX and a swap partition
on the next 2. AFter I set up debian, It never booted into windows or
offered the choice. I edited lilo.conf then ran /sbin/lilo to add:


but it never came up.


in the mean time I said screw it, removed lilo, apt-get grub and boy did I
mess things up.  Now all I get is the prompt GRUB> 

If I run fdisk froma dos boot, I can see 
hda1 win
hda2 linux ext2
hda3 linux swap

what a mess! getting ready to wipe it all!

/* Dutch
 Running Linux */

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