> hello again list...
> thanks for all the help! i see the opl3sa2.o modules in my /misc directory
> but i am having a hell of a time using modprobe. when i use it i get a
> 'can't locate' error, which i get for every combination of directories i
> enter in. the module itself is located in /lib/modules/2.2.18pre21/misc/ -
> where does modprobe start looking for modules? i tried 'modprobe opl3sa2.o'
> or 'modprobe /misc/opl3sa2.o' and so on but i'm having no luck, and reading
> the modprobe manual doesn't help me out at all. i'm sure this is a simple
> question, and i appreciate your help..
> best,
> nick

Don't say "modprobe opl3sa2.o" ... say "modprobe opl3sa2"

Modprobe actually uses the depmod data to look up what to load, which may be
multiple modules total, and depmod doesn't care about the .o on the end.

* Heather Stern * star@ many places...

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