First, make sure Gnome is installed (obviously).
When you run 'startx' does the X-server start up? or does it crash? If
it crashes, then something is wrong with your /etc/X11/XF86Config file.

If it starts up ok and you get to the Grey-ish background with the
X-cursor, make sure you have something like 'exec gnome-session'
(without the quote-marks) in ~/.xinitrc

What version of XFree86 are you using? 3.3.6 or 4.1.0?

On Sun, 2002-03-17 at 03:17, shaun bokowski wrote:
> Im trying to configure my mouse for a 
> Sony Vaio PCG-F340-360 series. How 
> do you get the mouse pad to work and 
> get past startx into some graphic mode
> with Gnome. 
> Shaun Bokowski
Peace Love and Penguins

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