On Tue, Mar 05, 2002 at 05:22:08PM +0000, Richard Ibbotson wrote:
> Keith
> > Your kernel creates all the directories in /proc.  If the irda.o
> > module is not loaded then the directory won't be there.  If irda is
> > statically compiled into the kernel then the irda directory will
> > always be there. I suggest running lsmod, and making sure the irda
> > module is mentioned. If not insmod it.  If your 100% sure you have
> > irda all setup in the kernel and the module is loaded, try
> > upgrading to a newer 2.4 series kernel.
> lsmod shows that the module is not loaded and modprobe irda.o says 
> that it can't locate the module.  So,  looks like a kernel recompile. 
>  Something that I really didn't want to have to do.
> <depression><doom_and_gloom>

Before you get underway, did you run

'modprobe irda.o' or

'modprobe irda'?

I realise it's a small distinction, but modprobe doesn't look for
modules by file name, so 'modprobe irda.o' won't work. Try 'modprobe

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Humor in the Court:
Q.  And who is this person you are speaking of?
A.  My ex-widow said it.

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