Fonts (except for bold ones), initially readable, become and remain unreadable when scrolling in Star Office 5.2 and Netscape.
I'm a newbie using Potato 2.2r2 with updated packages XFree86 Ver. 3.5.6 s3 generic driver Compaq Armada 73080DMT Tweaking the configuration by Holland's "XFree86 Fond De-uglification HOWTO" and Giles' "TrueType Fonts in Debian HOWTO" only alters somewhat the font "squiqqle" shapes. I haven't been able to find my problem in the archives. I wonder if the unreadable fonts are a result of a hardware problem? ( I can find no informating on configuring Debian on the Compaq Armada 7380 laptop despite exhaustive searches). TIA for any suggestions or leads. --Lee