Derek Broughton a écrit, lundi 11 février 2002, à 09:14 : > From: "Klaas Gadeyne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [...] > > Is this so?? I thought you could have more logical ones... > > > in the first place it's four primaries - one or more of which are containers
Only *one* `container' is allowed with usual tools as c?fdisk. > for logicals. So there's no real reason you couldn't have 10 if you had 2 > primaries containing 4 logicals each. You can use many logicals, up to 63 (IDE, maybe only 15 on SCSI...). As they are chained together, you can't just modify their number without updating /etc/fstab and lilo.conf or Grub menu. > However, while there may be a limit to the number of logical partitions > allowed, my system has 3 primaries, (/hda1 is still Windows, /hda2 is /boot, > and /hda3 contains 6 logical partitions /hda5-/hda10 with the rest of my > linux system). If you don't need seeing a logical v?fat partition from the dark side system©, it is safer setting the container type to `Linux extended' (85) than to `Extended' (05), as especially hda5 can be messed up. -- Jacques L'helgoualc'h