On Thu, Feb 07, 2002 at 03:49:44PM +0100, Xaveer Leijtens wrote:
> I have a problem with X 4.1 on my inspiron 4100. I use the vesa driver.
> After about 15 minutes of inactivity the X server dies:
>   Fatal server error:
>   Caught signal 11.  Server aborting
> This happens even if I switch off apm kernel support and disable power
> management from the BIOS. Otherwise, suspend (apm -s) works fine, even from
> within X.
> I run Debian testing, kernel 2.4.16 (but older kernels had the same
> problem). Details about my setup are on http://pic.its.tudelft.nl/inspiron/
> Does anyone know what is responsible for killing the X server?

This is just a shot in the dark, but check your XF86Config-4 file. In
the "Monitor" section, there may be a line like:
Option  "DPMS"
Remove/disable the line if it's there.


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