On Mon, 28 Jan 2002 14:02:17 +0100
martin f krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> also sprach François Chenais <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002.01.28.1350 +0100]:
> > THIS is a NEW virus !!!!!!
> http://vil.nai.com/vil/content/v_99332.htm
> chill. first, it's not new, it's more than 48 hours old already, and
> second, *who cares*???
> whoever's punished enough to read this list with microshit software
> hopefully has the tiny amount of brains left to ask "party? what
> party? i didn't go to no part" before eventually *not* doing what
> windoze users are good at: double-clicking. it's a bloody attachment,
> so please just ignore it.
> and stop reading this list with micro$oft. if that requires a change
> of job, then why didn't you do so yet???

I'm using Sylpheed ! 

> and: would you *please* *refrain* from quoting the entire email in
> your reply? this applies to everyone. quoting is useful if everyone
> does it right, but noone seems to understand. you essentially just
> sent a 42Kb mail to a mailing list, which said nothing but the
> already ridiculously unnecessary "THIS is a NEW virus !!!!!!". in the
> future, please wrap that in a micro$oft word 2005 document, which will
> then take like 120Kb. (NOT!)
You're right for this. 

Thought debian community was not so agressive ! Your response seems as extremist
as the 'non gpl community !'.  Even you are right ...


> -- 
> martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
>   \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> this email was written on an os using the viral 'gpl' as it's license.
> please check with billy gates before continuing to read this message.

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