On Tue, 2002-01-15 at 13:08, Daniel Pittman wrote:

> Maybe Marcello, the 2.4 maintainer, would take a cosmetic patch if you
> sent one. :)


> Given that you are using a laptop harddrive[1], you are /very/
> to see any real performance difference.

Naturally :-)

> Performance on a single hard disk is dominated by seek time for
> everything except streaming media.
> Running the data transfer faster, such as UDMA-66 vs UDMA-33,
> doesn't make a real difference to any situation using IDE disks
> one disk can't saturate the IO bus and two disks still lock each other
> out, competing for the bandwidth.
> So, it really doesn't make much difference. If you are using a UDMA,
> even a DMA, mode, there is little gain to be made by pushing it
> There is a (miniscule) theoretical gain using DMA over PIO, but it's
> really measurable.
> Enabling 32-bit host transfers and unmasking of the IRQ with hdparm,
> when it works[2], can make a difference, though -- especially the
> of those two.

Maybe some time when I'm feeling adventurous.

Thanks for the info.

* Simon Wong *

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