On Wed, Jan 09, 2002 at 09:06:21PM +0000 or sometime in the same epoch, Stig 
Brautaset scribbled:
> Hi guys and gals,
> I have a Dell Latitude CPx H500GT with (reportedly) a ati rage mobility
> p in it. I was told I could get hardware scaling with the gatos driver,
> and wanted to know what people here think before I went on a possibly
> useless mission to install them manually... 
> Do the driver exist as an unofficial package under people.debian.org
> for example?

I've got these installed on my CPx H500GT, installation was easy, just
follow the instructions on the gatos web site. I'm using unstable with
X4.1, make sure you get the correct version of the drivers from the

I can now actually play dvd's under Linux without dropping frames or
loosing the sync with audio, even at full screen resolution.

Mike Phillips
Linux Token Ring Project

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