Hi all,

        I'm having problems (and I couldn't sleep for this last night)
        with a PCMCIA modem (Hamlet FM560 56K) on a Toshiba Satellite
        3000-214. The laptop has its own non-supported win modem, plus a
        IR port (I/O=0x02f8, IRQ=3, BIOS default settings).

        The problem is that when pcmcia_cs (from binary package, not
        recompiled from sources) starts (/etc/init.d/pcmcia start) the
        following error message appear:

register_serial(): autoconfig failed
serial_cs: register_serial() at 0x03f8, irq 3 failed

        The messages reported in /ver/log/daemon are:

Dec 22 15:28:20 krsna cardmgr[293]: starting, version is 3.1.29
Dec 22 15:28:21 krsna cardmgr[293]: watching 2 sockets
Dec 22 15:28:21 krsna cardmgr[293]: Card Services release does not match
Dec 22 15:28:21 krsna cardmgr[293]: socket 0: Serial or Modem
Dec 22 15:28:21 krsna cardmgr[293]: executing: 'modprobe serial_cs'
Dec 22 15:28:22 krsna cardmgr[293]: get dev info on socket 0 failed: Resource 
temporarily unavailable

        where two things make me worried:
        the "Card Services release does not match"
        and the "get dev info on socket 0 failed: ..."

        As other source of info, here the output of setserial for each
        /dev/ttyS* (setserial is configured so as to delegate the kernel
        for serial setting (no autosave)):

/dev/ttyS0, UART: unknown, Port: 0x03f8, IRQ: 3
/dev/ttyS1, UART: 16550A, Port: 0x02f8, IRQ: 3
/dev/ttyS2, UART: unknown, Port: 0x03e8, IRQ: 4
/dev/ttyS3, UART: unknown, Port: 0x02e8, IRQ: 3

        It seems that "modprobe serial_cs" tries to assign the inserted
        modem card the first serial device, but with IRQ 3 (note that I
        turned off excluding IRQ 4 in /etc/pcmcia/config.opts).

        I'm using a compiled-by-myself 2.4.16 kernel with the following
        (relevant?) options enabled (see attachment for the full config






# CONFIG_IRDA is not set


        I also tried giving the IR port I/O 3f8, IRQ 4 or disabling it.
        Nothing relevant happened: in both cases (but ... why?)
        diagnostic is:

register_serial(): autoconfig failed
serial_cs: register_serial() at 0x02f8, irq 3 failed

        Does anybody have an idea of what is happening and, possibly, ho
        to solve the problem, or, at least, how to get further
        diagnostic useful messages?


Alberto Maurizi

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