On 14 Dec 2001 12:36:06 +1100, Simon Wong writes:
>On Thu, 2001-12-13 at 21:51, Robert Waldner wrote:
>> No, I don't use it that way. Also I don't have any module-autoloading 
>>  enabled, because I only use for PPP/GSM with my cellphone (thus very 
>>  rarely ;-) , 9k6 sucks).
>I'm getting very erratic succues with my IR connection.
>Could please tell me the sequence you use to connect up?
>At the moment I am doing,
>    #irattach /dev/ttyS3 -s
>This then loads the irtty module (ircomm built in kernel), starts up the
>interface irda0 and *sometimes* my palm says "Waiting for sender..."

modprobe irtty
irattach /dev/ttyS3 -s

09:59:52.109504 xid:rsp c82f7850 < 04075905 S=6 s=4 SIEMENS S35
 hint=9024 [ Modem IrCOMM IrOBEX ] (28) 
09:59:52.122917 xid:cmd c82f7850 > ffffffff S=6 s=5 (14) 
09:59:52.209555 xid:cmd c82f7850 > ffffffff S=6 s=* beren hint=0400
 [ Computer ] (21) 

et voila, start pppd.

/ Ing. Robert Waldner | Security Engineer |  CoreTec IT-Security  \
\   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   | T +43 1 503 72 73 | F +43 1 503 72 73 x99 /

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