On Mon, 10 Dec 2001, Hubert Chan wrote:
> I've been getting the following messages sometimes, starting this weekend:
> ,----
> | kernel: hda: timeout waiting for DMA
> | kernel: ide_dmaproc: chipset supported ide_dma_timeou func only: 14
> | kernel: hda: status error: status=0x50 { DriveReady SeekComplete }

I got similar error-messages when trying to boot a computer with
DMA-HDD-support in the kernel with a non-DMA-able motherboard.

> | kernel: hda: no DRQ after issuing MULTWRITE
> | ide0: reset: success
> | kernel: hda: lost interrupt
> | kernel: hda: lost interrupt

these error-messages I got when it finally booted, about every 2 minutes (the
computer continued to work normally). Perhaps this was caused by the high
temperature inside the computer-case (though it is a midi-tower)


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