On Sat, 2001-12-08 at 02:00, MaX wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm working in a Apple wallstreet with Debian/sid.
> Now for my work in office i need to write in spanish language, so i need
> to generate the extended ascii charather like "n+tilde" or "e grave".
> In Mac OS9 is trivial (alt+n n) or (alt+e e).
> Is there a simple way to obtain the same MacOS-layout in my debian?


this is my new XF86Config-4 

Section "InputDevice"

    Identifier  "Default Keyboard"
    Driver      "keyboard"
    Option      "AutoRepeat"    "100 50"

# If the keyboard layout is fscked, try this
#    Option     "XkbDisable"
     Option          "XkbKeycodes"   "macintosh"
     Option          "XkbSymmbols"   "macintosh/us"
     Option          "XkbGeometry"   "macintosh"

     Option     "XkbLayout"     "us_intl"
     Option     "XkbOptions"    "ctrl:nocaps"
     Option     "XkbRules"      "xfree86"
     Option     "XkbModel"      "pc105"
#     Option     "XkbVariant"    "nodeadkeys"

     Option          "LeftAlt"       "Meta"
     Option          "RightAlt"      "Meta"
#     Option          "ScrollLock"    "Compose"
#     Option          "RightCtl"      "Control"

Now I can write this characters:

ñ  = shift+tilde n
é  = ' + e
à  = ` + a
ã  = shift+tilde a


With this layout is possible to write in Spanish Italian French and so



Massimo Biffi  LocTeam Barcelona - Spain
Debian/Sid on PowerBook Apple G3 

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