On Fri, Nov 30, 2001 at 03:39:20AM -0500, Alec wrote:
> Hi
> I'm wondering what everyone's motivation is for using Linux on a laptop 
> instead of Cygwin + Windows. The way I see it, a laptop is basically a giant 
> PDA. People usually use them for typing down stuff during classes, seminars, 
> conferences, in the library, for presenting (powerpoint) material, or for 
> keeping all their mail and personal archives in one place, etc. Laptops don't 
> get used much as servers or development workstations, are they?
> Alec

Wrong. I do active development on my laptop. It's a potato+kde box with
192MB of RAM. It runs Linux only. It's extremely useful for demos of
my sw and working everywhere. I use a desktop at work only.
Of course, a laptop is quite difficult to use as a server, maybe :) but
my next workstation at home will be a laptop, again. I just use a mouse
at home instead of its touchpad. Surely, I'd like to have a bigger hd,
but my 4GB currently suffice now.

Francesco P. Lovergine

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