On Mon, Nov 26, 2001 at 01:48:44AM +0000, Vivek wrote:
> On Mon, 26 Nov 2001, Serge Rey wrote:
-snip- of description of H/V. thanks.
> I've got a couple of weird problems with my A20p myself - I left the laptop
> plugged in and on for a while once (a few days) with the lid down,
> suspended - it came back on with the display hosed and the keyboard locked
> up - but I could ssh in and thwack X hard (init.d restart of gdm).
> So I experimented and left it on, plugged in and _not_ suspended for a
> similar period of time: same result - machine responded over the ntwork,
> local access hosed - and when I suspended it, it refused to wake back up at
> all till I lened on the power button and sat through a fsck. Also, if I
> leave it in hibernation for > 1 hour(ish), it locks up the next time I
> come back up (if I come back into X) or the next time I leave X (if I flip
> to the console before starting hibernation).

hibernation worked fine on my x20, prior to the failure of my hd and
this new one being installed. i didn't have the ibm factory disk, so i
went w/o a partition for the hibernation for now, as i'm using the
machine as a stationary desktop replacement for the time being.

in the past i noticed that i could get back to the cursor faster from a
cold boot than from a recovery from hibernation. so i rarely used
hibernation. i wonder if other folks experience the same relative timing
of booting versus recovery from hibernation?

Serge Rey       http://typhoon.sdsu.edu/rey.html
All models are wrong but some are useful - G.E.P. Box 

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