Tuukka Toivonen wrote:
The problem is that the hard drive will park (spin down) and then in <1
second, spin back up again. This repeats ad infinitum regardless of my
Depending what the actual problem is, noflushd might help. I just
installed it into my Thinkpad 560X and seems to work fine.
One thing, however: there's a prepackaged .deb but it requires newer
libc and won't work with Potato (I suppose Woody is ok).
I had to compile it from source.
| Tuukka Toivonen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [PGP public key
| Homepage: http://www.ee.oulu.fi/~tuukkat/ available]
| Studying information engineering at the University of Oulu
I've done that.
It's part of the Battery Powered Howto. I was hoping to avoid rehashing
the elements of power saving that are more generic to Linux as that
doesn't seem to be the problem.
If I run fvwm2 it's OK. Gnome is OK too. KDE is not.
I don't know how to trouble-shoot this kind of problem at this point.
If you have any suggestions, please don't keep them to yourself!
If it's disk io, is there some way to track it...?