Michael Thaler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I have a Sony Vaio F212K. My BIOS has an option to reduce CPU speed if
> the computer is idle. I want to try the option to see if it works with
> linux and to save some battery power. Does anyone know a programm to
> measure the cpu speed or even better the clockrate? The KDE control
> center shows the CPU speed but it always showed me a rate of 172 MHz
> (the computer has a 650 MHz CPU) when I turned the reduce CPU speed
> option in the Bios on. But I am not really sure if it really measures
> the CPU speed dynamically because I tryed to watch some divx movies
> and play quake2 and it actually worked and I dont think 172 MHz are
> enough for that:-) Any tips are really appretiated.
erm....*don't* use the cpu speed feature.  Don't ask too many questions but
instead you can read the archive of debian-laptop mailing list.  If you loko
back about 2-4 weeks you will find a lot on Speedstep.  A summary of the
thread is, speedstep = naff and is around for backwards compatibility
reasons.  Instead load the apm module (or if you compile yer own kernels make
sure apm nsupport is on and that cpu idle calls are on) and you battery life
will be maximised.

To disable speedstep turn off power saving in the bios (it may be called
maximum cpu performance or lowest battery life) and you will save lots of
battery life.  However if you are running quake or playing movies you
probably won't notice a saving anyway.

have fun


( BOFH excuse #220:                      )
(                                        )
( Someone thought The Big Red Button was )
( a light switch.                        )
        o   ^__^
         o  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
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