ben knight wrote:

You need to install noflushd. It's a debian package [noflushd,
surprisingly enough]. This will make sure that your hard disk stays spun
down for as long as possible, saving battery etc.

the hard drive spin down, then right back up again.
Another minute, down, then up again.

These are nasty problems. noflushd is already installed according to apt-get and is running.
After I sent this first email out I did two things:
killed the debugging on kdm (should have done that when I got it working a month ago..)
and then I killed konquerer and started playing some game.
Then the disk parked!
I have to do some more reading again and will keep my ears open. But this PC (with an ultra-bay battery) was able to get >7 hours of use on a charge. Now I'm down to 4 hours on a good day. I've turned of irda, unloaded my pcmcia card in hopes of helping this. But it seems that the power savings has taken a turn for the worse on this installation.

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